AI Agents

AI Agents are autonomous software entities that can perform tasks independently once given a goal. At, these agents are the core of the platform’s functionality. Using AI, Machine Learning, and Large Language Models (LLMs), agents on SwarmZero can complete complex tasks, ranging from processing financial transactions to generating reports or automating workflows.

Creating AI Agents on is incredibly easy with the hive-agent-py framework. Developers can define an agent’s tasks and tools with minimal code and then deploy it to handle specific user prompts.


You can either directly install from pip:

pip install git+

Or add it to your requirements.txt file:

hive-agent @ git+

The complete tutorial can be found here.

The hive-agent-client-py simplifies the interaction between agents and users, allowing developers to manage multiple agents through APIs. This ensures a smooth communication process, even when handling complex workflows or integrating third-party tools.


To use the HiveAgentClient library in your project, you need to import the HiveAgentClient class from the library and then create an instance of the class with the appropriate configuration.

from hive_agent_client import HiveAgentClient

# initialize the client with the base URL of your Hive Agent's chat API
client = HiveAgentClient(base_url="http://localhost:8000", timeout=30)

# send a message and receive the response
    response = await"user123", session_id="session123", content="Hello, Hive Agent!")
except Exception as e:
    print(f"an error occurred: {e}")

The complete tutorial can be found here.

Whether you’re a developer looking to build specialized AI tools or a business owner wanting to automate processes, AI Agents on provide a versatile, scalable solution.

Last updated